On Leaving Home

Evolve & Expand
1 min readNov 6, 2021

Photographed by bankrx on stock.adobe

The whole idea of it makes me feel

kind of queasy and uneasy

And I know of the endless opportunities

waiting ahead for me

But it’s kinda like that feeling when you get

the new job you’ve been praying on

Or kind of like how people must have felt

when they first seen a computer…

This is just the start of my journey as a

‘grown up’

And I remind myself that I shape my

future through the decisions I decide to


It feels like just yesterday I used to believe

college was too far away for me to worried


I thought I had all the time in the world

But now when I think about it

I think of how much time I really have

I think of when I’m leaving home

Thank you for the support and your time :)

